Thursday, March 11, 2010

Sam Goldsmith: Clownboy

In response to this shitty shitty article, I wrote this email to the "reporter" leading with a line from said article, one of the laziest things any "journalist" has ever written.

Subject: Shitty Journalism

"There's little argument that too much salt causes high blood pressure, which can lead to heart attacks - but even hardcore salt haters say banning it outright is a pinch too much."

Oh really, chief? There is actually no scientific evidence of this at all. Why don't you actually talk to a scientist or a doctor before you make up this utter bullshit based on nothing. NOTHING. Salt is bad for you when you already have high blood pressure or heart disease. There's a huge difference, unless you think we should all undergo chemo to avoid cancer. Why not talk about the studies that show that low salt actually increases risk of those problems while high salt does not. EVEN IF this was true, why not help your readers understand what the actual risks are, and how significant? Does everyone who has high salt intake get high blood pressure, does everyone with high blood pressure have heart attacks? Nice job keeping your readers misinformed. I am genuinely asking you if you felt it important to advance Felix Ortiz's ridiculous agenda when you wrote this article: was that your actual intention? Do you have a problem with salt? Are you just lazy and gullible?

Keep up the shit work, clownboy!

Mr. Goldsmith responded by saying this:

Re: Shitty Journalism

I take it you're one of the few who disagree. Anyway, thanks for the kind note. Its always heart warming to hear from fans!
To which I replied:

I'm shocked your not asking for a cite for how I know that salt is harmless!? Hm, that must be because you already have all the information, you just decided to leave it out of your article. That's it!
Or are you just drawing facts based on how many people agree and disagree. I must be wrong if I'm in the "few," fuck actual facts and science. You're gonna go far as a journalist! Especially since journalistic quality and integrity is measured by how many "fans" you have. Yay!!

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