Wednesday, June 29, 2011


Glenn Greenwald absolutely slaughters the Obama administration and Harold Koh on its absurd positions on Libya and the War Powers Act. The only appropriate analogies that spring to mind are one-sided rap battles (like that scene at the end of 8 Mile) or ferocious basketball rejections (Koh went awfully weak to the hole). "Open and shut" doesn't do it justice. Damn.

And how exactly did Greenwald dismantle the absurd bullshit spewing from Obama and his minions? Did it involve some primer course on an obscure Constitutional Law concept and citations to 60 year old case law? Nope. It simply involved taking things government officials said in the very recent past, and comparing it to what they say and do now - including and especially things they said on the campaign trail. Though you've probably forgot, this is a practice usually referred to as "journalism."

Indeed, it wasn't so much Greenwald and his amazing, unique skill as much as it was Obama and Koh saying and doing things that were so radically inconsistent with the principles and views they had previously expressed. That's what makes the dismantling of their flip-floppity bullshit so thorough and so easy: All one has to do is put "before and after" statements by these clowns side-by-side on a page and let the reader do the math. Of course nearly every major voice in the media, even when taking critical approaches towards this issue, fails to do this.

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