Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Election Recap:

Some quick thoughts on an interesting election:
- Voters had a clear choice, if you wanted more gay rights, a restoration of the rule of law and America’s values, less war, and sensible immigration and drug policies, you could pick the uh.... hmmm... Well, at least if you wanted smaller government you could clearly choose.... the uhh... I'll get back to you on this.
- Feingold losing marks the symbolic and official death of Civil Liberties in this country. The leading civil libertarian in the Senate is now arguably Rand Paul. God help us all.
- Christine O'Donnel will, like Obi-wan, become more powerful in defeat than she ever could've been in victory. I put the over/under at 5.5 months before she has her own TV show or something pretty close to it.
- I can't wait to see Republicans run around frantically saying that this election is a) a repudiation of Obama b) a shift to the right AND c) a mandate requiring cooperation from the White House, and then when the TV host asks them why the same logic appeared to not apply to the '08 results - wait, no TV host would ever ask that.
- What are all the media people going to talk about now that the election is over? Oh right, polls, strategies, "messaging," etc. for the next election. That is until we re-start the debate over healthcare again... which the media people will mainly cover from the angle of how it affects the next election.

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