This is some remarkably weak sauce in defense of a President who is/was supposed to be a tremendously bright and gifted leader, changing the ways of Washington and restoring normality after a "radical" (I used quotes, but I agree with that characterization) Presidency.
You really know they're digging when you get to the Gitmo one. Anyway Let's go through these guys:
“Signed a financial reform law allowing shareholders of publicly traded companies to vote on executive pay”
First, private companies can pay employees whatever they want. Now maybe if these companies received bailout money then executive pay would be our business and then he could put conditions on receipt of said moneys and tie it to executive pay. But Obama had a chance to do this and actually ensured there were no limits on those bonuses... and then blamed in on Chris Dodd.
“Cut prescription drug cost for medicare recipients by 50%”
GWB cut the hell out of prescription drug costs for old, decrepit seniors. Most people I know though that bill stunk and was a corporate giveaway, but somewhere there's a website called that has that listed.
“Extended Benefits to same-sex partners of federal employees”
Well, that's nice and all, but Obama could end DADT (for a time) with a swipe of his pen, and he’s had his DOJ defend DOMA to the hilt which actively harms people’s lives, makes no sense (not a single coherent justification) and is almost certainly unconstitutional. Gay rights activist and apparently gays in general are downright furious with this administration, and should see this half-hearted and objectively weak measure has the insulting bone-throw that it is.
“The American Recovery & Reinvestment Act of 2009: a $789 billion economic stimulus plan”
Umm, ok yes that was a thing and it passed. I guess just doing something or anything gets you credit nowadays. Since there is no argument here, I won’t respond in pointing out how bald-faced a corporate giveaway that was.
“Launched to track spending from the Recovery Act, providing transparency and allowing the public to report fraud, waste, or abuse.”
Anyone can launch a website like one where you sugar-coat (non) accomplishments of a politician of whom you're a fanboy. In terms of things with meaning, the Inspector General in charge of monitoring this chunk of change has been undercut and ridiculed by the Administration. But hey, that website is awesome, I’m sure.
“Signed the Weapons Systems Acquisition Reform Act to stop fraud and wasteful spending in the defense procurement and contracting system”
All bills have an ostensible purpose, it doesn't mean they work or change anything. Case in point, Obama actually developed and signed a *larger* budget for the military than previous years. I.e. military spending has gone up, though perhaps it is more efficient now.
“Issued executive order to close the prison at Guantanamo Bay”
So then apparently an executive order and $3.89 gets you a Green Tea Latte from Starbucks (yumm). Obama has a real issue with saying things and then not doing them. Most people see that as a major problem with politicians. This website is apparently bragging about it.
“Ended Bush administration's CIA program of 'enhanced interrogation methods' by requiring that the Army field manual be used as the guide for terrorism interrogations”
This is factually false. Bush had already ended these techniques in ’06 (so add another thing to What is telling is that Obama brags about ending “torture” which is obviously a concession that torture took place, and therefore under the law is required to be investigated and prosecuted by the DOJ, the independent law enforcement body of the country. Yet Obama has decreed that this will not happen, for no reason, and then talked about the rule of law (without a hint of irony).
“Health Care Reform Bill, preventing insurance companies from denying insurance because of a pre-existing condition”
This is, I suppose, a nice thing, but this fact is inseparable from the other fact that the bill requires everyone to buy insurance from those same insurance companies. Something insurance companies like even more than arbitrarily denying people coverage. This will obviously raise all rates, and improve insurance companies bottom lines and, therefore, their ability to fight the next round of healthcare reform. Another way to look at this is that insurance companies are/were the problem, and this bill - despite some good things - just made them stronger and more pervasive.
“Require health insurance plans to disclose how much of the premium actually goes to patient care.”
This is so misleading it’s basically false. “Patient care” is I think a slightly different term in the law that is already being defined to include things like lobbying and executive bonuses. This part of the bill epitomizes how bills are written to sound awesome, but in practice keep the powerful very happy by redefining words into total non-existence.
The Cuba thing is pretty great. Gotta give him that.
“Increased funding for national parks and forests by 10%”
Whoop-dee-friggin-doo. says Bush increased spending on education by like 50% or something.
“Expanded hate crime law in the US to include sexual orientation through the Matthew Shepard and James Byrd Jr. Hate Crimes Prevention Act”
Classic form and symbolism over substance.
“Provided stimulus funding to boost private sector spaceflight programs”
Hot to death.
“Appointed nation's first Chief Technology Officer”
“Signed financial reform law establishing a Consumer Financial Protection Bureau to look out for the interests of everyday Americans”
Again, agencies, like laws, have ostensible purposes, but it's another thing to see what they do in practice. Their leaders have a big effect on this. A sign that this agency would be serious would mean appointing Elizabeth Warren to head it. But instead, Obama took weeks and appointed her to head the effort to “set up” this agency. So we still have to wait and see who gets the control. As one example, Obama appointed Ken Salazar to head the agency that regulates off-shore drilling. Enviro0nmentalists were not happy, industry folks were tickled pink. How did that work out?
I left out a few but those all seem to be pretty standard, run-of-the-mill, Democrats-control-the government policy shifts. Not all bad, but not exactly barn-burning stuff.
This website provides a great response to anyone who argues that Obama sat in the oval office twiddling his thumbs for the past 20 months, other than that I'm not sure it's usefulness or persuasiveness. And, at points it reeks of desperation.
Most importantly though, the list in opposition to this is really ugly, and now, likely forthcoming.
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